
In Loving Memory Of Grandma Jules.

So I have been so busy preparing for multiple vendor Christmas Markets to share and shine the light and love I am feeling working my Color Street business. That time to write got away from me this week. But thankfully with all the Market talk William couldn’t help but reminisce on some amazing Christmas Markets he has experienced. 

Thank you William for sharing these memories and Hidden JEMs…


After this first sizable snowfall in Southern Ontario, are you looking to get away before the holiday season?

May I recommend a place that is just as cold, dark and probably has more wet damp miserable weather, and make it one of the most magical places on Earth?

Why is this damp dark place better than Cuba or Hawaii? 

Two words…….. CHRISTMAS MARKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Central Europe most notably Germany has the most wonderful places on earth this time of year.

Weihnachtsmarkt, is what they are called. They are full of handicraft vendors, copious amounts of food and drink, with festive huts and lights everywhere!

One of my fondest memories is when my Aunt and Grandma came to visit me 10 years ago in Frankfurt. I was so excited to show them some of the Hidden JEMS I came across. But before I do, let me mention they chose to go against my recommendations on where to stay. Instead, they listened to their travel agent and booked a hotel near the central train station. But little did they know it was also in the red light district… But, in true Torry fashion they made the most of it, for a couple of days!

I was able to take my Grandma Jules on a double decker carousel. This was truly a great ride with all the classics. But then again when can you say you’ve been on the second level of a merry go round? I feel so blessed I was able to share an amazing ride with a very special Grandma. They say you can’t pick your family, in many cases that is true. But I am so grateful that my parents picked my Uncle Stan, Aunt Chrisy, Uncle John, Aunt Janet, Grandma Jules and the entire Torry Family to share this fantastice life with.  

The warmth and love could be felt just from walking through the Markets.

Photo opportunities galore!  

Often your hands are kept tosty, with a mug or two of Gluhwein. A spiced mulled red wine that is served in collectable clay mugs.  There are so many styles of mug from cauldron shaped, clay, mini boot and more.  Just pay the deposit on the cup and collect it for the flight home. But be warned the Gluhwein here in Canada is not exactly the same. There has to be something said about the location and atmosphere to really set a taste off.

Now if your toes are cold or you need a little extra umph to keep warm or pep up your step…


Basically, take that Gluhwein and turn the dial to 11!

Over the cauldron of Gluhwein you add bottles of rum, then on top you lay a rack with a cone of sugar. Then douse that in rum.  Next is the important part: light it on fire and have the molten sugar drip into the cauldron and serve to get those rosy cheeks and toasty toes!

Beware too many can cause wicked sugar hangovers… You have been Warned….

Now you are hungry? There are so many options??? Wurst (Sausage), crepes, Pretzels, roasted chestnuts, baked sweets, Corn on the cob from the Mexican booth. But all of those are second fiddle to KARTOFFELPUFFER! That’s right potato pancakes smothered in garlic sauce, or applesauce for you vampires. These monsters are served right out of the fryer and are worth it every time!

Now, you can find markets all over Europe. But the dozens I went to in Germany were a notch above.  

Hamburg has at least a dozen markets scattered all over the city, including a Bad Santa market in the Reeperbahn.

Bremen has the world’s largest tannenbaum. It is made of hundreds of Christmas trees stacked together. It even has a bandstand booth in the middle of it.

Nuremberg has classic angles and decorations made out of dried plums????

Dresden is celebrating its 587 year of markets. But these above are of large cities. 

But, villages and dorfs have classic weekend markets that are sometimes hosted in Castles and Chateaus.

Every single one is special.

However, to really top a Christmas adventure off, you must go to the Alps. Honestly, what is better than mountains, skiing above the clouds and then the Christmas Markets at night. Not much can top it in my books, but that was/is a rare treat. Despite trying to get transferred to a Munich school several times while I worked in Germany. But I digress…

Through all of my Christmas travels, Bondi Beach Australia, Cape Town South Africa or cruising the open waters at Christmas were special, warm and wonderful all worthy of their own article. Yet there will always be a warm spot in my heart worth all the dampness and chill to glow in the magic that is a German Weihnachtsmarkt!