We all have a voice, but do others hear it?

I have thought for some time that “Maybe I’ll start a Blog”. But what is a thought without action. Perhaps a missed opportunity. Or a voice less heard. I know the feeling of vulnerability, of being out in this virtual world of ours.

What barriers does your mind fill with?

Am I worthy of this platform?

EVERYONE’S answer should be YES!

Every person has a voice. I know that people would remark on how loud I can be, but, am I really heard? Am I making a big enough impact? Or am I living in the dark, missing opportunities? 

This can be viewed as closely as within you, Reflecting and projecting your beautiful path into what you are proud of. And/or all the way out into the world, sharing your journey. Either way you make a difference in this world. It doesn’t matter how big or small it seems to be perceived. What matters is if you are proud of what you present. As we are only able to control our reactions.   

One thing is for sure, if I don’t open myself to this larger platform I won’t reach as many as I could.

The Realization is to come…