
Happy Pig Day 2022

Do you have any family traditions?

Thinking back on traditions that I grew up with, I remember the colonial influence. Such as Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, Easter. But I remember a sense of togetherness more so than religion or belief. I often wondered about the traditions that my family has taken part in and ones that maybe I should be picking up on. Ones that are just waiting to be learned. Ones that at this moment I don’t even know exist. Ones I look forward to discovering, as I continue on my journey.

A seemingly common tradition is the tradition of celebrating birthdays and growth every year. Where the togetherness is continued to bring people together via these avenues all year round. 

This led into the traditions of making birthday cakes, christmas cookies or  jams or any other kitchen creation. Often to be gifted and shared with the family(s).  I believe there’s a story about making lasagna with my aunt. What can I say, I like to mix things up…  My Love of cooking and experimenting with cooking is definitely greatly influenced by my Aunt Barb.

Thank you for being a great influencer in my life. I truly appreciate the love of family and togetherness that you helped create within my world. 

The love for food and family time really helped  to seamlessly lead me into the tradition of making sausages, sauce and other various delights with the Inkley’s & Friends. The togetherness and unity. The love of family and friends. The love for each other and of SELF for making something that is good for us to eat. We know exactly what’s going into it. 

What I put in my body is my decision…

My body, my choice… 

That definitely takes me to a tradition way back with Amy and Alley. Christmas Bun. I always loved just coming together…

Food, Family, Fun… 

The laughter…

The Joy of togetherness… 

We’d stop in at their place on the way home from my aunt Bonnie and uncle Dave’s in Sutton. Where their Christmas Eve open house tradition was only halted due to COVID… Their home has always been a place of welcoming togetherness and community. They are family that was created through friendship, not blood. The tradition of getting together every summer… Deckstock has always been my favourite summer moments… Something that occurred way before they even dubbed it Deckstock… Then added summer traditions when the Inkleys came into my life welcoming me and the entire family to their famous Canada Day open house. During that time, talk and planning of their Christmas revolving gathering.

I love our winter snow tubing tradition also… An adventure of tubing and then a meal. Games and togetherness. Way way way back we used to go to the York County Bowman club and shoot the bows. Always food and fun with my extended family. Cousins that are twice removed or something I don’t know, cousins…

Thinking of all of this and feeling lost sometimes on tradition… I guess my family tradition is just being with family, blood or other. As often as possible. I know many feel so removed right now. I am definitely missing some of these traditions. 

But I feel comfort in remembering and knowing that these traditions will continue…

Things might be different, people will be missing from the tables. But coming together and spending time reminiscing on the togetherness is priceless yet filled with enormous value…

With that, cheers to togetherness…

I might not be able to hug you in the flesh…

But I can feel you nonetheless…


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