OH LOOK WHAT I FOUND… #babyboybump💙 Super pregnant Mama belly… #38weekspregnant
The Shop was looking pretty good before I went on leave…. Way back when, May 31, 2019… #pregnantwelder #imnotawelder #imaweldingtechnologist #WOMENINWELDING #weldingmom
This was my third pregnancy. The second one, working as a Welding Technologist. With the pregnancy in the video, I worked until 5 days before my induction date.
The last day was a double to get it all buttoned up.
But as the soul Weld Tech at the shop the job is never done… The year leading up to and throughout my 3rd pregnancy were probably the busiest times of my life so far.
I wore many hats or shoes as I like to put it… Check out https://jemsmind.com/many-shoes/ for that prospective…
Just to name a few;
Welding technologist
Welding faculty
Welding student
Mom of 2 busy girls (7&15) a dancer/swimmer, a basketball/rugby, my powerhouse ladies.
Wedding planner
Grower of life…
It was so busy, I was saying having a baby was a vacation from some of the things… That really only means work… As everything continued as normal, well at least until COVID happened. It was about nine glorious months of wearing less shoes…
Anyways, with that I am just embarking on my return to work. As I extended my leave an extra 16 months on top of my 18-month maternity leave. All due to reasons revolving around covid…
COVID has done a number on a lot of things…
To say the least…
I chose to stay home with my family due to many reasons but one was the uncertainty of illness and all of the different policies/procedures in place with each different facility a member of my household could potentially attend. Far too many moving parts and such an uncertain time… It just made sense to be home…
It was a seemingly simple decision, however, waiting through postpartum depression, isolation and a whole bunch of exterior influences I was questioning my identity…
Confidence quivering, and a huge void of community that I once got through my career and other…
A couple sentences here will never truly explain the feelings.
The feeling of grinding your whole adult life, building a career, making choices to put your family second. So you can advance and trudge through the mud towards an amazing fulfilled career. So many of us do it because we choose to perceive that going to work every day and spending time away from our family equals putting our family first as we need to provide for them. However, it is wise to remember time only goes in one direction and children are only little for so long. You are only as young as you are today.
Yes it’s necessary to provide. But for my whole working life, I would pick up the slack, step in at the last minute, go the extra mile or should I say kilometer… All in the name of advancement, reputation and reliability to boost and build your career… In the hope that the hard work will pay off in a promotion or another job offer ect…
Now there is a time and place for all of that. Especially, when you are young and detached. However, that is not to say your should be working yourself into the ground, being a slave to the man… It’s about doing all the things but still taking the time for you and your loved ones. That doesn’t mean weekends off, or working a particular shift. Really, it looks different for everyone. Some may work 20 – 30 days straight then have a week or two off. Some it’s a certain shift. Balance isn’t 50/50 right in front of you. It is what works for you to balance work and home. It could be grind hard for 5-10 years before planning a family. The scenarios are endless… There is one for each person in this world. Remembering, we are very privileged here in Canada, where stress and work home balance is a topic of dissection. Over, famine, homelessness, WAR and so much more… Not to say there are not some of these issues here, because they are. Just keeping perspective, to thrive through gratitude.
Anyways, bring it back…
You are replaceable at work even if it doesn’t feel that way…
But you are NOT replaceable at home.
Your are and will always be one of a kind.
So work your ass off and take pride in it, while nurturing self and loved ones.
You can always make more MONEY… BUT, you can NOT make more TIME.
So for many, things really get put into perspective when a global pandemic hit.
I’m absolutely grateful that I got this extra time to be at home not only for my son. But also for my daughters who have handled what this world has thrown at them extremely well, considering all circumstances. Through all of their trauma, through all of mine, I am proud.
Proud to be a mother, with all the hats I have worn under that title.
Girl Mom
Boy Mom
Co-parent Mom
Theatre Mom
Swim Mom
Dance Mom
Rugby Mom
Basketball Mom
Working Mom
Student Mom
With all of that, thank you to my Mom for teaching me, it is my job as a parent to help them through the life they choose to pursue, while juggling all my own aspirations.
Thanks Mom for supporting me through the life I’ve chosen to pursue…
So grateful for you…
Without you my career would be so hard to pursue.
Reliable child care without interruption and comfort for all.
There’s only a few people in this world who I can call.
But your stories and circles have been touching young minds for years.
For you are a true hero for what you have ensued.
And all you have been through.
I am Proud of YOU.
P.S. Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms in this world. It truly takes a tribe to raise the next generation. keep up the hard tireless work, I see you…