Qualified vs Certified, A Mom’s Edition

Putting a title on something ultimately reduces what that something could actually turn into. I believe this, because of preconceived ideas that are placed around words or titles.

What is a title anyway?

It means something different to everyone.
How you perceive yourself, how you perceive the world, how the world perceives you. 

Growing up, the perception of success and happiness and still in so many ways I see, is the ability to acquire tangible things. For example, owning a car, a home, having a well-paying job, acquiring letters behind or in front of your name. All of which create the illusion of higher status. 

Are we less successful if we don’t have all or some of these? 

Are we less happy? 

Does society look at you differently with or without? 

How does that make you feel???

 (Like s*** sometimes… >>>Keep feeling your WORTH to push back the societal influenced self doubt.)

Ultimately, we are all people with another piece of the puzzle making our society go round. 

Some think you require a certain amount of documentation to give permission to be successful and considered an expert. 

But there is a difference between being qualified, compared to being certified. 

Take me as a child educator… I am knowledgeable, I have managed to keep three children thriving. To train them how to be good humans. Are they perfect and keep their bedrooms clean and dishes in the dishwasher, No. But as you start traveling through your journey you really have to prioritize. To help them through life situations while training them in societal requirements or expectations; with them constantly doubting and disbelieving your experience. Educating them on health, nutrition, hygiene, mental health, empathy, ethics, economics, academics, engineering, repair, play, fun, learning, and so much more.  Would I categorize myself as qualified to raise a human being? I have 17 years experience, and I could probably get references stating the positives that have been instilled into my children. So qualified through experience, yes.

Yet still, I am not a certified ECE, or teacher. I am a self-taught child educator aka mother, empath. I did not go to school and gain a piece of paper specifying that I am knowledgeable in early childhood education. I learn as I go, lots of reading and referencing certified experts. My knowledge base is all situational to the unique experiences I’ve had with my children and any other kids that cross my path. 

But that could also be placed upon someone who is certified. Getting a degree or diploma in a field paints you with a broad spectrum brush. Where each industry can be broken down into many subsections. In turn, someone that is certified is an expert through their situational experiences. Where education often is broad, then focusing takes place for each different position acquired through work experience. 

Ultimately, putting someone who is qualified through experience on a similar level to someone who is qualified through education. Yet the person with a piece of paper often is considered more valuable than the one with experience. However, in this situation we’re only talking about knowledge base and qualifications on the knowledge base. Either of these qualifications could become certified. Certification represents proven ability, not knowledge. 

With that, a piece of paper doesn’t mean you’re qualified. Yes, that paper can provide opportunities. It is proof of the time spent gathering and testing knowledge. Ultimately, The hard work put in, knowledge retained, one’s integrity and due diligence is what sustains longevity and increases the value of the piece of paper or the experience based qualification.

Do those pieces of paper help achieve certain types of perceived societal success? Undoubtedly, our society thrives on it. This day in age a piece of paper is required to get the job. It has been a way to filter applications for years. But it is not the only way. 

Food for thought though, documents are also a way to protect against legal downfalls. Where certification represents documented due diligence. 

Where, opposing is not having the certification. However, this doesn’t mean that due diligence isn’t being met. Qualified experts, if they’re truly qualified, will always be diligent in their expertise, judgment and documentation to prove due diligence.  Regardless of another piece of paper on the wall. 

Some of that is equated to integrity and ethics. This path is more grey, where certification is third party proof of due diligence.

Now this isn’t too derate certifications through education and gaining letters before or after your name. Having certifications is crucial in quality assurance for everything. I applaud every professional out there contributing to making our world go round. Thank you.

The intention is to specify that qualified isn’t necessarily someone that holds a piece of paper. Where vice versa, not everyone who holds a certification proves to be qualified. 

Qualifications and certifications are things that should be looked at prior to hiring. But really it’s just a part of a company’s arsenal to prove due diligence. It’s all a legal gun show in the fight to prove innocence if and/or when tragedy strikes. 

Ultimately, there is no string of words that can fix tragedy. But through the due diligence that came before providing the ability to reduce the potential for that tragedy to happen again is achieved. 

Edit – WDI

P.S. This article began months ago and for whatever reason I felt the urge to pull it out. Where I could take a different path pertaining to my welding technology career. Which often speak of qualified versus certified. Perhaps one day I will elaborate further on that. But I think right now it feels so relevant as I embark down the MLM path with my new endeavor with Color Street. With that, I am not a nail polish or nail specialist. I’m just a person who works in an industry that if you don’t take care of your fingers, you can experience infections. Where, you have to constantly monitor and maintain healthy hands. Which makes sense because they are our greatest tools, especially working in trades and technology. Anyway, with that I’m very excited to be learning even more as I walk this business Journey. 

Have you heard of Color Street?  Have a peek at my link if you’re interested in seeing what else I’m up to… https://linktr.ee/JEMsBiz There’s lots of fun stuff happening in my VIP FB and Instagram pages. Hope to see you there.