Misconstrued – Trades

Why is welding or trades in general misconstrued as something that is less worthy of intelligence? Or at least that’s the feeling I get when talking to a person who is naïve to the opportunities and process. Or sometimes, someone who takes for granted the connection between the so-called top of the ladder to the bottom. I have found through personal experience, that the naïve base judgements on stereotypes. While arrogance, clouds the latter.     

I have also witnessed this type of naive behaviour being instilled into the younger generation. This was apparent a few years back when my 13 year old daughter was in the process of selecting a high school. The high schools were segregated. Where, the gifted kids go to school A, the athletic kids go to school B, artistic C, and so on.  Each school shines in what they focus on, at the same time still providing a combination of them all to round out the facility. Yet School D, the one for hands on learning and trades somehow gave the kids the impression that it was the place where the bad kids or delinquents go… NOW grain of salt here, this was the narrative provided by the young people in my life. Regardless, whatever opportunities that were presented to the children, some of their opinions were this negative understating. 

There is a whole lot wrong with this… 

This negative connotation will not stop unless perspectives change. From my journey with the public school system, it seems that the system favors academic visual and auditory learners. This is not saying that someone who is less academically inclined won’t get the help they need to rise to curriculum standards. But that really depends on the support system for each individual. As we are all different, some have family, teachers and support staff behind them. Where others sadly fall through the cracks, with little to no help.

So why do we place success on traditional academies in young people?

A child who struggles in the translation from the tangible hands on, to the theoretical on paper, seems to be less valued for their success. This is not an intellectual issue. One should not be classified as smarter than the other. But that’s what performance appraisals of academics are basically telling kids and people. If you can’t perform academically or translate on to paper, you are made to feel not as smart as someone who can. This is NOT true, especially when you consider the age we are performing standardized testing. Which are a waste of resources in my opinion. But that is a different topic. (talking from experience in the public school system in Ontario, Canada) 

Highlighting skills in a positive light over time has an impact towards change. For centuries society has showcased academics. Over the years other areas have risen, showcasing other skills. For example, athletic and artistic achievements are celebrated and idolized. We see this in professional sports and many forms of media.   As we transition, more inclusiveness and acceptance is created for the many different categories we organize things into. 

That said, skilled labour, trades, apprenticeships and technologies turn to shine and shift society’s perspective on success. Blue collar heroes keeping the modern world running, working together on the bigger picture.   

Still to this day in many aspects, stereotypes, segregation, discrimination of any kind radiate a lack of perspective. Looking at the world through others eyes can enlighten. The question is, are you ready to see, to embrace the struggle that comes with change. Over time people have shown, to embrace or even choose ignorance as bliss. The point of ignition is different for everyone. There is a line, where is yours?    

Whenever opportunity arises, share your perspective. One person can be the difference. It’s about your reach in your daily life. If everyone shares and enlightens, while also listening and learning,  perspective can shift. For example, on occasion I have discussed with my teen and her friends, that It doesn’t matter what level the role you contribute is perceived. We are all people hopefully just doing their best, ideally in areas they like. That the CEO is no different from the maintenance staff. Either titles wouldn’t exist without the other.

Let’s imagine for a minute;

Think of a castle, we have a king with a vision and the money to pay for it. But that king alone can not materialize a castle. Many other skilled people are required to design and create the final vision. If the design or engineering is off, who’s to say that the first wind storm wouldn’t knock it down, killing the king and the people? Through design, how does one know it will work? Research and development, this is where, try, try again, comes into play. It is also through previous experience. Learning from the past, helps in increasing productivity. Where mistakes can be avoided as they have been seen before. This all connected through quality and Inspection, ensuring everything is completed as planned. 

SO recap, we have the money, the R&D (research and development), design and quality. We still do not have a castle. Okay, so let’s start training. We can’t make something without people to build it. This area can be vast, meaning each area, let’s call them tradespeople have a different set of skills. Each trade can be broken down into further specialization also, that all come together to build the castle. To name a few a mason, whose skills are working with brick and mortar are required to build walls. Let’s call it a modern castle and it has steel and wood structures within it as well. In that case we need carpenters and steel workers to utilize their skills and knowledge of wood and metal to complete the structure. Or the bones of the building.

Now, what amenities does this castle need to be functional and comfortable? Well, heating and cooling is a big one for me, and as this is a modern castle HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and air conditioning) personnel are required. What about the essentials, bathroom facilities, baths, showers, toilets, pretty tile finishes. That calls for a plumber. While the plumber is in, I would love some bougie heated flooring… It can be drafty in a castle, you know… Not in this one, because we are calling in the insulation experts. 

So again we have the MONEY, R&D, Engineering/Design, quality, training, skilled people in masonry, carpenter, steel work, HVAC, plumbing, insulation… WE need lights, candles are so 18th century. Electricians are the people for that job. A good thing to keep in mind is all of the tradespeople are following the engineered design, as well as, Inspectors are ensuring that all areas are compliant to the acceptance criteria that was designed into the project for safety and quality. Then, once all of the respected trades complete their work to said criteria, we have a castle.

Yet, things don’t stop there…. 

From this I think you get the idea, what I just described is still only a portion of the number of skilled people required to complete this castle. We only really mention a portion of trades needed to complete such an industrious project.  This was an example of some foundational components that make up a physical building itself. 

Not even considering what can be achieved on the inside. Think  interior-design and all of the different trades people that create the tools and components that reside within the building. Painters, furniture makers, textiles and more. With many of these items being produced in the modern world, in factories. Where a whole set of new engineers, designers, technologists, technicians, and skilled trades people, are required to engineer, design, create, inspect and maintain the facilities to manufacture these products.     

Bring it back around, you can’t have a CEO and corporation producing something unless you have the collaboration with everyone else. We are all connected and need each other’s knowledge and skill. Unity is what drives things forward. Can you imagine, where we would be, if we all worked together more willingly, treating all contributions in a way we would want to be treated ourselves. Through respect and willingness to see someone else’s perspective.      

Instead of picturing a vertical ladder housing all the categories of the system we’ve been discussing, rotate 90°. Now the ladder is on a horizontal plane, bringing every piece or contribution on the same level. Some of the contributions have to occur first in a sequence of creating, in this case the castle. But one’s importance to another should be on a level playing field. Connected, collaborating and utilizing each other’s strengths. 

Advocate for change, for yourself and for others. If you are unhappy, you can make a decision. Opportunity is vast where I come from, seize it. Be grateful for it. Many people in this world are not so fortunate. Take some time, research what’s available, gain perspective. Believe in yourself, you are worth it. Remember it’s your opportunity, not anyones elses, so we can’t grab it for you.

To top off change and a career you’re passionate about, there is also the point of how many trades people are blessed in work and home. Just to be clear these people worked their backsides off to EARN what they have. Yes some days are hard, such is life in any line of work. But are you really working if you love what you do most days?  

Stepping towards a new direction can be scary, sometimes it’s forced upon us. The most comforting is trust in yourself and the path you lead. It won’t be easy, change can be hard. But  there are people out there supporting and advocating, who are willing to connect. I’m one of them. It takes a village in all aspects. Some people cross your path in an instant. Others stay for a lifetime. All influencing, providing perspective towards your choices. 

Trades and technology are in need. Many achieve amazing careers by working and schooling at the same time. Not having to compromise finances while increasing skill-set through education. Or maybe you need that break from work. School is a great outlet to take some time off work, to retrain. It can help focus and adjust perspective. Allowing a better understanding of what you want and where you look to go. There are even some programs that are fully funded by the government, which make change even more accessible. Finally, understand it’s never too late to start again. All your experiences build who you are, what you know, how you learn and connect with people.  Your perspective has impact too, be the change you want to see.

Opportunity is knocking, are you looking to open the door?  

Edited by WDI