Medical Adversity, a Canadians Perspective

Lately I have been reflecting, a natural consequence of isolation I assume. Trying to shine light. In this instance about experiences with the medical industry. I honestly believe that medical health turmoil is universal to humans. It affects absolutely every person in one way or another, at some point in life. We are all delicate biological creatures. I believe we forget that sometimes. That feeling when you are young and invincible. I suppose it could be categorized as naive or possibly arrogant in some cases. Where one could experience these feelings at any point during a life. Regardless of the origin, there are moments in one’s life when that invincibility rubs off. Where individual humanity is jeopardized and assumptions of fear, the unknown, death and potential aftermath feeds the mind. 

🌞So many in this world have to manage some sort of disease or medical challenge. Where then the reach extends to family, friends and caregivers. Then through the process incurring other health struggles, for all. Many not even involved in the topic of said medical ailment.

🌞Many don’t have access to healthcare. Making some of the smallest issues into killers.

Fear of seeking medical attention on any other ailment; then COVID also induces less access. Hopefully a temporary situation of the times.  

🌞 Many struggle in managing their disease(s) from non-invasive to invasive treatment options. Often it is not just one battle. Mental health for the community influence. Things just spider web out because of what’s going on with all members. What kind of medical issues do others battle on their path? All connected, all affecting each other.

🌞Some are trailblazing rare diseases. I thank all for their contribution to understanding the thing, disease or struggle, whatever word you want to associate. Every person’s experience with their medical background has the ability to move medicine forward through data, AKA knowledge or information. All shining light on similarities and differences between. 

🌞Many know their battle is to gain as much life as they can. These brave individuals are out there expanding boundaries. Pushing for growth through research and trials.  Your bravery and light powers through the darkness. Through your adversity the community learns and grows. Thank you will never be enough for your sacrifice. 

🌞 So many of these challenges are not visible to others. I believe many choose to live their life, accepting their path. Which includes treatments and their medical experiences, among the other things that happen along their journeys. This doesn’t mean that people don’t take time to process and analyze. A time of fear, anger, helplessness, questioning, so many other emotions play apart. Loss is vast, an unimaginable circumstance as we all experience a different perspective. But overall it is quite amazing how miraculous humans can be when faced with adversity. 

Yet still, so many keep our diseases or battles secret because we don’t want others to pity, or treat us differently… 

🌞Our diseases DO NOT define us! 

Pity tends to be the popular response to struggles in others’ lives. When people share, they want others to know they’re not alone. Or others to know the larger picture, perhaps inspire. Sometimes it’s about sharing to find connection with others, through the loneliness that can exist on the journey. 

We are not one-dimensional beings… Our collective journey shapes who we are. Influence comes from all over, every moment… The struggle induces strength of an unknown measure. Sharing your story shows the bravery, courage and resilience that exists in this world. 

Humans are absolutely fascinating. Often when faced with adversity we rise to greatness. At this moment I would like to wish all the bereaved Moms out there a Happy Bereaved Mother Day.  (International bereaved Mother’s Day, May 2, 2021) [1]

No words can convey
The dismay
That comes from the way 
Losses display
Each uniquely relay
A light through the fray 
The disarray 
Just want to runway
Back to yesterday

👣Be kind as you walk. You never know what is happening in someone else’s world. 

🌞 If you are privileged to someone else’s journey, support them through love and acceptance of the beautiful light they shine into this world. 

Don’t feel sorry.

🌞 Feel and Exude Compassion… Even the smallest gestures like a smile or a conversation about anything, can create comfort through feelings of normalcy. With intentions of community supporting through life changing experiences.   

Since 2007 I have managed through some interesting medical situations. This is something that I have kept quite close and private. The other day a friend of 4 years pointed out she didn’t even know until I nonchalantly mentioned it, one day when I saw a mutual friend doing a fundraiser. It took a pandemic for it to come up at work. From where I stood I never mentioned, as it did not affect my abilities. Where unless the topic arose naturally there was no need to divulge medical information. 

For a long time I thought all of my experiences were “just my life”, plugging away on my journey. Where often, I struggle myself to celebrate the achievements. So quickly to move on to the next motion without appreciating the accomplishments or survival. Back then I was looking at it in the wrong light, because of that pity culture, I mentioned. Not that I pitied myself, but I think it’s the fear of being pitied and treated differently by others. Largely based on stereotypes. 

💥I am strong and stubborn. 
💥I am a teen Mom.
💥I am a woman in the male dominated industry.
💥I am a special education kid.
💥I am a Crohn’s disease warrior.
💥And so much more…

While writing this I was playing with tense. With some of the statements starting with “I am” and others with “l was”. But regardless of time, I will always be who I am constantly growing from what was. This relates to an article to come “What do you do?”… TBD

Anyway 👇
👉I don’t need to give people an excuse to treat me inferiorly. 
☝️ One of my biggest pet peeves!
But though this I was not giving anyone the opportunity to connect, to grow with me. Perhaps, self preservation? Or needing the time to process. No matter… 

👉 We are people, we are capable, we are beautiful individuals. Do not treat us less than the beautiful energy that we are… Learn with me through my struggles, as I learn with you through yours. 

“Has one truly embraced their path if they haven’t said it out loud yet?”

Even if out loud is to yourself in a journal, embrace your beautiful life. I know it is easier said than done. But remember we all have so much to offer. No footprint is too small. Often we don’t see how our own light influences others. People are always watching, one light of inspiration can be just that. Watching life… 

Thank you for the opportunity of this blog for me to analyze, to understand, to share, to create. I speak for me, as a reminder to see the light.


❤️I am grateful that the disease I have to manage is manageable…

🧡I am grateful that this treatment seems to be working.

💛I am grateful that I have options. 

💚I am grateful I have access to medicine and medical care. 

💙I am grateful for my life and privilege to have the ability to share it.

💜I am grateful that this world’s situation has made my health care team even more accessible. As I do not fear navigating my treatment through a pandemic, most days… There are many pandemics occurring in this world. Human Trafficking, Self-Harm, Genocide to name a few of endless categories of the possible configurations of a human journey.  Unfortunately, human nature tends to shine light on situational experiences, per individual. Often skewed by societal or political agendas. Historically only unifying when the problem is on our own doorstep.  

Coming back on topic, every month represents a list that only touches on a portion of this world’s medical health diversity. Perspective on others’ situations can fulfill some form of understanding. That all paths face unknowns, that can induce depression, anxiety, that overwhelmed feeling that I was talking about in . Everyone experiences it, at some point, anywhere from infants and beyond. This will cross with my “Being Human” article, coming later this month… 

With this I want to draw attention to the gravity of medicinal journeys, celebrated this month. All creating awareness for the diversity and adversity humanity holds. 

Ankylosing Spondylitis Awareness Month
Bladder Cancer Awareness Month
Brain Tumour Awareness Month
Celiac Awareness Month
GBS/CIDP Awareness Month
Hemochromatosis Awareness Month
Hypertension Awareness Month
MedicAlert Month
Melanoma and Skin Cancer Awareness Month
National Physiotherapy Month
Speech and Hearing Month
Vision Health Month
National Physicians’ Day – May 1*
Mental Health Week – May 3 to 9
World Pulmonary Hypertension Day – May 5*
National Child and Youth Mental Health Day – May 7*
World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day – May 8*
World Ovarian Cancer Day – May 8
World Lupus Day – May 10*
National Nursing Week – May 10 to 16
International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological & Neurological Diseases – May 12*
International Nurses Day – May 12*
Apraxia Awareness Day – May 14 *
World Melanoma Day – May 14*
World Hypertension Day – May 17*
World Multiple Sclerosis Day (MS) – May 30
World No Tobacco Day – May 31*” [2]

This list is representing what Health Canada services put forward. A perspective of one country. Click the link below to discover more about each category listed above.

Love & Light to you all on your journeys

Edit WDI


[1] Ch.a.i, “Bereaved Mother’s Day,” Day Finders. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-May-2021].

[2] H. Canada, “Calendar of health promotion days,”, 19-Apr-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 03-May-2021]. 


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