Light Each Day

The Smiles Say It All.

This is the place that helps ground me the most… 

The place that helps all the peripheral distractions fade away and allow me to live in the moment…

It took me 21 years to realize that I deserve to be here now… 

Not tomorrow….
Not next week….
Not when I get to a specific place in my life….
Find the things that give you happiness and seize them today…

Is your day.
A day to do what you need.
You never know when one will Die. 
So seize the Day.
Come what May.
You won’t regret it.
We only get to stay,
In an uncertain way.
So take today,
And get out and Play…
Find your special place…
I have a few…
Work is one of them, how about you?
I will always say find the things that brighten your day.
From work to play.
Find the Light each Day.

I am so grateful that I was able to get my head out of the fixed mindset of having to be somewhere in life to deserve something. 

Bringing horses back into my world has not only helped me relax and just enjoy what my body can do. It also has given my family the time and space to learn and grow together. All of us are developing and working on different skills while doing the same and similar tasks. All with the added bounce of doting over two gorgeous gentle giants, that deserve all the spoils while being respectful. 

My two-year-old is learning how to be around animals. Learning self-control of running, yelling, limiting fast movements. Most importantly, how actions can have repercussions. He’s also learning love for the outdoors, animal care and balance from riding. 

With my 9 year old, she is learning and understanding similar to the 2 year old. But is also learning responsibility, compassion and pride. Pride for learning new riding skills as well as experiencing the feeling of control. Something that kids struggle to get or feel when they’re young. 

Often behavioral issues stem from feelings of being out of control. Could be through boredom, lack of engagement, or lack of interest, to name a few. This is what we found through experience. Providing the kids with hobbies that they love that can translate into responsibility and control over something that is theirs. Ultimately in our world it’s helped self-confidence, self worth and overall well being. 

Working with the animals, sitting outside and being more physical, as well as, creating great unplugged family time. Has improved all of our health, moods and we’ll being. 

I even got my husband up on Catcher. Since I am going bareback until further notice he got to experience what it’s like to have such a powerful animal between your legs…

He is very excited to further connect with the animals with each trip to our special place.

Light and Love to you all…

Edit – WDI

#uniqueness #believe #youarekey #believeinyourself #youare #unique #findthestrength #changeifyouwant #beinghuman #setyourselffree #befree #loveyourself #knowyourworth #youreworthit #worthy #leadwithlove #whatservesyou #selfrespect #value #valueyourself #youarevalued #wearestrong #affirm #exposureiskey #trythings  #findsomthingyoulove #Legacy❤️🧡💛💚💙💜