Launch Day

In the spirit of international women’s day, I am stepping forward into the light towards my potential. Women making changes, adapting on the fly, being remarkable human beings, I applaud and celebrate you. Together we are making a difference in this world.

The smallest  impact is worth recognition. So If you have not heard lately, know, you have a beautiful power to make a difference. Keep shining your light. You are more than what you give yourself credit for. How do I know this? I was there once too. For so long I have believed that my journey was just my life, nothing spectacular. That the challenges were deserved and success were another step towards what’s next. Never appreciating and celebrating the achievements. I have always been humbled by what so many out there have achieved or experienced. Yet, with time, I have learned, I am deserving of sharing, that I do have power no matter the size to make a difference.      

I am so grateful for my experiences and want to share a bit of my story with the launch of my website. On this day celebrating my unique path and all the other beautiful women in this world, blazing their way through life.

Who am I? I am Jackie. 

At this moment in time, I’m a stay at home Mom. Huge shout out to all the caregivers out there. You are doing a fantastic job, keep up the hard work on molding and educating the next generation…It is definitely not easy, but a fundamental and an often overlooked position.     

I never, ever thought I would be considered a stay at home parent. I suppose I could have been labeled a stay at home mom when I had my first daughter. As I was home with her for 2 years before going back to school. But does it count if you work part-time on the weekends, from the time the baby is 4 months old? Is that still considered a stay at home parent or part-time worker/Mom? 

I was around 18/19 years old at the time, so I was also categorized as a teen Mom. This added to the many labels and stereotypes that are placed in this world.   

I was a kid. But legally an adult. Thank Goodness for my parents and my support community. Blessed with family, and grateful for the village of support that has surrounded my journey. 

Moreover, I have also had some form of job since I was 8 years old. When you’re that young, you tend to work for trade, but nonetheless working. I was the little girl in love with horses and farm life. My joy of hard work could be connected to that chapter for me.  

So, aside from maternity leave periodically when I had my children, 8 years apart each. I was working or going to school. Or working, going to school and mommying, plus all the other titles in my bucket, with overlap.

Speaking of titles.

I am a Welding Technologist by trade. I have been enjoying, learning, creating, volunteering, teaching, mentoring, welding technology since 2006. I absolutely love my work and sharing my passion for welding. Yet, life is not one-dimensional and things are different now. I’m on a leave of absence to take care of my family in this time of crisis we’re all experiencing. But as I digress on my work, right now I miss welding. So as of late I have tried to be more present on LinkedIn. To share and celebrate welding that I see, read and learn. This platform is where my career based media is displayed.

I am relearning this type of connecting because for so long I have stayed away from social media. More on that at
Looking back on that now, I realize that the “social” part of the media is remembering the experiences that came before. I’m remembering mentoring young women on how welding exists and there are many viable positions in trades, technology, apprenticeship and engineering. I would encourage any person interested in talking welding or trades, or anything really to communicate with me. Or follow my website as I plan to discuss some of my experiences. 

For now, being home working with my children, trying to support them as best as possible, while taking on this new opportunity for growth. Which is an interesting adventure, in itself. Learning the ways of the human body and chemical changes within them. Teaching, learning and understanding how to function in society because there is a certain standard that is expected of us. Being a mom of almost 17, 9 and 2 year old’s, my perspective is wide as a parent. A grand adventure full of the ups and downs. Some days I wonder how we managed before…

With this shift, I’m also focusing more on what’s happening directly inside my home. So often in the past, overseen because of the way we have been traditionally programmed. As well as, having my head down on the daily grind working towards supporting myself and my family, not giving these topics priority. This said changing our perspective of how many toxic chemicals and single use plastics go through our house. Trying to make conscious choices on reducing said poisons. As a weld tech we’re always looking for ways to optimize materials through reducing waste, in turn saving time and money. Costs are down with less waste in terms of processing steel, or any consumable for that matter. I have been sharing that journey in hopes to help inspire ideas for what others could do in their homes too. You can follow me at @jemsbiz on Instagram for that. 

I’ve been a constant student always feeling the requirement to move forward. I like to think that it is possibly a beautiful relationship with time because time never stops, it is always ticking by, moving in one direction. 

The student in me for so long made me feel almost fraudulent, coming from someone who absolutely struggled and fought elementary and high school. Academics were not my forte… I went to an Alternative High School, one day a week and worked full-time, at one point of my high-school career. Which is also a chuckle, as I have graduated from three post-secondary programs. One with honours, the others with distinction. Two of which are in the welding technology field.

I have also endured some interesting medical struggles. Where welding was therapy to me. It provided me with peace and a form of meditation or pain relief. I was able to focus in and listen to the hum of the electricity and become entranced with the movement and fluidity of the puddle. You could seriously get lost in the beauty under the mask.

This goes to show that even if you struggled, you’re capable of so much, especially if you enjoy it and find the positive. That your past exposure and experiences don’t define you. Yes, they helped mold what you become and will always be a part of you. But the boxes or stereotypes that some place upon others are not restrictions of your potential, depending on the way you choose to react to them. Removing the notion of segregation, understanding and knowing your worth. Value who you are, your differences are what make you special. We are all special, we all have a voice, we together will make a difference.   

With this, I want to welcome you to a place that I have created for myself to reflect, to celebrate, to share. It is only in its infancy, available to grow with me. To look back and reflect, showcase and inspire. For there is no larger platform than the world’s stage, that technology has provided us all. 

Cheers to us, here’s to hard work, passion, energy, community, self-love, people, our planet, our future. 

Pop onto my path from time to time, you never know what will be

“In My Mind…”