Lake, Horizon, Sky, Clarity

With the beautiful spring weather now, I find myself reminiscing about spending time on a lake with a dear friend. Where deep feelings of connection to nature can be found. In these moments allowing NO exterior distractions invade the mind. Being present in that exact moment. 

Through our connection, thoughts of how we find similar comfort in keeping an eye on the horizon. But understanding this can be easier said than done. When one focuses on a singular direct path, the overall picture can become hazy.  Depression, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and many other triggers can add to further confusion. Spiralling away from the view. Making sure that the peripheral is not being clouded by the daily grind. This can be trying at times. It can blind opportunity, from vision. 

Where a feeling of being lost on your journey cultivates. Where looking to the horizon can bring perspective. Awareness of this “haze” is the first step towards the goal. 

Then connecting the lake and horizon. When you are on a lake, your eyes are drawn to the horizon, guided there. All the other noises just fall away. Where endless water, horizon and sky reflecting one another. Seamlessly connected, not truly knowing where one begins or ends. 

How often do you look at the horizon? 

Visit a lake, look to the horizon.  Let the sounds of water calm, and the beautiful mystery of the sky help clear your mind.  

What is really important to life? 

Breathe it in, connect with nature. 

You are natural, just as it is. Let go of all the synthetic we create, even if it’s just for a moment…

Breathing in the gift of present time. 



Today is World Water Day, kismet that this article came to fruition today. A reminder that access to clean water is a privilege. That there are so many in this world in need of clean water. Even many in Canada suffer without. “That 40% of Ontario First Nation communities are under boil water advisories.” (1) Be aware and Grateful for having access to clean water. Look for solutions to help share. Whether it is wasting less water in your daily life or reaching out to organizations that are already on the mission. Every little bit helps. Two resources I found that would be worth looking into are:



(1) Fill it forward [Advertisement]. (n.d.). Fill it forward advertisement postcard received through snail mail. specified on the card.

Another location that I looked up after the fact to find this stat is at: “Home,” Water First Education & Training Inc., 21-Mar-2021. [Online]. Available:…. [Accessed: 23-Mar-2021].


  1. Can you point me to an article and its source telling us:
    “That 40% of Ontario First Nation communities are under boil water advisories.” as you wrote in Next Door. It helps to be able to refer to facts. Thanks.

    1. Hi Gordon,
      I am sorry for any confusion. That information came from the “Fill it Forward” advertising card that showed up in my mail. I referenced the website in my article. However, it is a bit convoluted and only shows up as “HOME” at the bottom, here is it again ( I have posted photos of the card on Next Door.

      I also just found this stat at:,to%20listening%20to%20community%20partners.

      I Will make sure to source better next time. I hope this directs you to what you are looking for.

      Thank you for helping me grow through this new journey I am embarking on.


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