
For over a year now we have been through some interesting changes. Changes that we certainly didn’t see coming. Where the village that helps raise and support our family was toppled. All in the name of keeping each other safe and healthy. With this isolation set in. 

We watched as our two extremely active daughters transitioned to this life on the screen. It went from basketball, rugby, dance, swimming and ninja. To nothing, well except for basketball. Since Susannah was on a rep basketball team they were able to practice through the season between lockdowns. Where all recreational  activities were unavailable, some attempted to move online.

With the decimation of activities, connection was reduced also. We were able to keep some connection through apps. But having two kids play through a tablet instead of in person is not the same. I have to say we are very blessed as our house is full of people. But as lucky as we are, it’s still not the same as spending some time with great friends. 

With that, we discussed growing the family. Where we have the space in our opinion for something small. We’ve both been quite adamant that this property could house a dog like so many people in our neighbourhood. But to us the larger animals really need more space. So with that, we decided to adopt two stray kittens. 

We are grateful to be able to provide a comfortable home. Cats and kittens are plentiful and so many need to find good homes. I remember working for a local animal shelter when Susannah was just 4 months old, so 17 years ago. The amount of homeless animals, especially cats, was great then. Where today there might be fewer strays. Possibly because many families have decided to welcome an animal into their home. I suppose that’s a silver lining to this pandemic. Where a removed or reduced commute has given people time to expand their family to some furry friends. I just hope that as things start moving at a faster pace again, we don’t see a significant rise in animals at the shelters. 

For us, even during this time, this was quite a big and long decision making process. The biggest factor in bringing a furry friend into our home was for companionship. Especially for our nine-year-old who has been affected like everyone else. Where some of the thought process on top of getting a friend for our daughter was:

Do we choose to finance cats into our budget?
Do we have space?
How will pet and family dynamic work?
Do we go with one or two kittens? 
Where can we get strays that have probably been taken care of before adoption?

It was very important to us that we were able to adopt cats that had a full vet check, dewormed, shots and spayed or neutered beforehand. For one we want to make sure to provide these animals with a safe and healthy home. Which all starts with making sure that they are healthy and taken care of from the get-go. 

We also wanted to be as economical as possible. Where if you look at the cost for well kitten checks with shot, deworming and neutering things can add up. So adopting from a shelter that has policies in place to make sure the animals are vetted and fixed before adoption can create a more economical approach. It also provides the added bonus of adopting a 4-month-old kitten who has been litter trained. However, litter training in my experience is quite easy as kittens like to find a place to dig. 

Anyways, through all the decision making and planning we got to bring home two 4-month-old little boys. The shelter dubbed them as Spud and Scar. Which is wonderful and a testament to how much the people at this particular shelter care for the animals. As so easily, the amount of animals that can flow through shelters could become just a number.  

With that I want to share with you a follow-up email we sent to the shelter on day two after adoption. 


Just wanted to thank you so much for making adopting Flash formerly known as Spud and Nemo formerly known as Scar so effortless. Your services were so humble. We’ll definitely be recommending the Vaughan Animal Services to others who are equipped to bring home an animal in need. 

We are so grateful to be able to give these two kittens a home. They’re confidence tells me that the team of people that worked with these little boys did a fantastic job preparing them for adoption. 

You can tell that Flash had been fostered previously, as he is far more comfortable than Nemo. But Nemo is coming out and spending time with me after he gets his sillies out bombing around the house with Flash. 

Flash’s name is absolutely perfect as he is a little spitfire sprinting through the house. Chasing ping pong balls and bells. Playing gently and tamely with my 2 year old son. 

Needless to say, the kittens are transitioning well and settling in quite nicely. 

Thank you so much again. 
We really enjoyed working with you.”

If anyone is interested in adopting an animal who lives around the Vaughan area we highly recommend their animal services department. Link below.

Through this whole experience we hope to enlighten the children with some understanding of responsibility. As well as, what it means to be a good pet owner. As responsible pet ownership isn’t something to be taken lately. That pets aren’t birthday or Christmas presents on a whim… 

Now, let’s get down to the fun stuff. How did we decide on names? If you’ve ever named an animal or a child for that matter sometimes it can get complicated. Especially when multiple people are involved in the decision. Nemo’s name came a little easier. As the intention was to provide two kittens for our youngest children to enjoy. So finding a name for an orange cat that a 2-year-old could pronounce kind of just fell into place. I’d love to tell you his name came from Jules Verne’s “20,000 leagues under the sea” , a favourite of ours. But, I’m sure you’ve already guessed the resemblance comes from Nemo, from Finding Nemo. The perfect name to be repeated over and over and over again by the sweetest little 2-year-old’s voice. 

Now Flashlight aka Flash; he was named by our 9-year-old Linah. One night over dinner she brought up the name and it just got under the skin of her 16-year-old sister. Through their banter it was decided that Flashlight would be the name of the cat. Possibly a dig at her sister. But Linah’s reasoning was that a short form was drawn from his whole name. Just as her name is a short form. Where, Evangelinah goes by Linah. So Flashlight can go by Flash. As I said before, his name is quite suitable for his personality. But, I think his full name is kismet. Yes, an unusual name. But, Flashlight really came into our lives to make things a little brighter. To provide friendship and companionship to a little girl who has been isolated because of this world situation.

 Flashlight makes me think of the song by Jessie j. 

Both of these kittens are shining light into our world. Through responsibility and friendship, but most importantly in bringing our family even closer together. 

Edit – WDI


The excitement, smiles, giggles and more from kitten play time and Linah saying “this is so much fun” just fills my bucket…

Evangelinah, in life I want you to find happiness and joy. 


If there’s one thing I would have told my younger self, it’s that
👉 The love you seek, is love that comes from yourself to yourself. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜 

 I get that it’s complicated and hard. Life’s hard and Life’s Not Fair. 

But there is so much life to be lived. 

Getting through struggle with such grace like you have shown over these past 15 months is