
We made it through the first month of 2022.

Proud of everyone putting one foot in front of another on whatever their Journey holds. 

Life’s not easy, relative to everyone. So making sure we take the time to enjoy ourselves daily is key. 

Truly grateful for a challenge I was introduced to. Of doing something for myself daily for at least 30 minutes for X amount of days. HUGE THANKS to for hosting. Love my Color Street family, their support and love is so invaluable.

Normally, some of the things that I did to #fillmycupchallenge, I would have pushed aside and said “no I’ll do these other things first.” Such as choosing to clean up over taking a bath. But because of this challenge I chose myself first…

Do I feel like there is some residual cleanup to take care of after this month?

Truthfully no more than usual… Also, putting myself first, doesn’t mean I didn’t meet the needs of my family members. Normally, it means still taking care of what they needed first. But I chose myself over the tasks we do to maintain the lifestyle we live. 

Realistically, we can’t stop doing the things we do to take care of all the things. How technical… But really our lives are all so unique. How else do you use language to be inclusive?

Anyway, point being we can choose to prioritize ourselves higher up on the list… As well as, prioritize us 1st where we feel most comfortable.

You give yourself value…
Through Appreciating yourself…
For your learned skills…
For your natural ability…
For your passion, work ethic and drive…

This is the fire that fuels us to continue going because it makes us feel good.

We’re doing what we love… What we want to do.

Making ourselves happy, in turn sharing with others.
Sharing smiles and loving ourselves a little more… 

Practicing what we preach feels good…
But it’s also necessary to stoke the fire…

Your fires burn bright, shining your light… 

Sending love and positivity for all that you pursue in February 2022…


P.S. Check out my “fill my cup” highlight on IG  to see the journey of the past month.

P.P.S. If you are in a career that doesn’t fulfil you, start walking the path of a side gig if you feel stuck or needing something new. It may be the path to other changes and freedoms for yourself and family. But one thing is clear, if you don’t start masking change everything will stay the same.  

P.P.P.S. The image above is my vision board creation for this time. Representing the areas I choose to focus in on moving forward. When growth development is on my mind, reflection and imagination through visual helps focus. Which can provide clarity on direction. If that’s not your thing check out another way that helps ground the chaos.  

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