Forever SIX 🐘

[1] P. McDougall

Today is Arya’s 8th Birthday🐘

I recall reading Arya’s home birth through Petras’ social posts. An amazing experience… One that I couldn’t do… One that sounded so peaceful. The way Childbirth should be celebrated and enjoyed. When possible without complications of course.

Watching and reading the life of Arya and her entire family has been and will continue to be an inspiration. As their energy for life and how to embrace it, had me at twins and baby #3 home birth… 

Petra has always been one I looked up to. As a kid she trained the horse in a way I dream of. Her skill, passion, dedication and hard work for all that she does was so evident from a young age. This only to be proven time and time again through her journey. How she nurtures and educates as a mother, friend and strong woman. Most recently through the completion of her doctorate… Petra you are an amazing person, one of few, who I would call my role model. 

I am so grateful for your inspiration and willingness to share your family with others. Not only do I feel inspired by you, I have and continue to feel that same fire and drive from Arya. 

So today I want to send Happy Heavenly Birthday wishes up to you Arya on your 8th Birthday. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜

Arya, your strength and beautiful energy just flows through me. I feel so blessed to have you a part of my journey. I have no words to properly describe how deeply you have touched and influenced me… So I plan to just keep showing up and shining light.   

After hearing of Arya’s passing I wept as my heart ached for her family, and for the life that I envisioned for her. I’ve had the pleasure to follow her journey from afar. Petra, helped define Arya’s beautiful impact on this world. I know that there’s an entire village behind both of them, but it was through Petra’s words that connected me to them.

For years now Arya would pop into my mind, more so now that she’s gone. I believe because of the shock of her loss. I know some may say “terminal was in her diagnosis” but I guess that is a thing about pure light. It is so powerful that the darkest sistations hold such energy of hope. Before she transitioned to the stars, I felt so much hope that her light would shine bright for a very long time. Where this statement isn’t wrong as her light is still shining. Arya’s light and inspiration has inspired me and so many. 

Proof that no matter how small or far, influence and impact has no limits. 

Share your stories of the ones who no longer have a voice. Though language change, energy remains…

One way that the Mc-Mac family has been carrying Aray’s energy is through memory stones. I welcome you to explore and experience Arya’s influence…

Happy Heavenly Birthday Arya. I picture you riding a flying elephant through a sky of rainbows, sprinkling love down on the one left on earth.   



Today I learned that Arya and Petra have written a book… Soon to be published, where proceeds from purchases will go towards pediatric cancer research/enrichment.

Another example that potential and impact doesn’t always flourish in the flesh. But through the energy that is left behind. 

#universe #theuniverseknows #stayopentothesigns #happinesswithin #yourhappinessmatters #positivemindset #livelife #youareworthy #forever6 #remember #neverforgotten #loveeveryday #feelthewarmth #Lettheuniverseguide #feeltheirlight #shootforthestars #UnderTheStarsForArya #happyheavenlybirthday #feeltheday

[1] P. McDougall, “Memory stones,” Arya’s Journey, 13-Dec-2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-Dec-2021].