Disc Golf, & Friends

So I’ve introduced you to my experience with disk golf glow night that William took me to in August for our third anniversary… https://jemsmind.com/banging-chains-in-the-dark/

We love it so much that we have since gathered up portable Christmas light sets and added them to the course baskets to enjoy some glow in the dark disc golf.

We went out on the 30th of October and threw around with a Buddy and then another buddy showed up to practice putting for the local Guelph disc golf League tournament… 

It was fantastic even though it was raining.

I honestly don’t mind the rain as long as I’m dry. 

The weather was relatively warm, also making the round even better. But ultimately it’s enjoyable in any weather condition as long as you dress appropriately. 

So as we started approaching daylight savings time we were discussing how to continue our league schedule. Will and I had decided that regardless of change in time Thursday had worked for our schedules so we planned to turn frisbee night ladies league into glowie with the family.

With that William purchased a kit of LED light bulbs and 2 dozen watch cell batteries so that we can set up our discs with lights and extend the invitation to the rest of the disc players in the city… 

After throwing a post up on Facebook, about having bulbs and batteries available if people wanted to come out, we had an instant response…

A few people in the local League came together and got a disc golf basket specific light off Amazon to trial and put the word out to the community. So we showed up on Thursday to get set up and we were overwhelmed by the turn out. There were at least 20 plus people.

With such a stellar turn out, the club president’s attention was caught and his arm was easily twisted to invest in a course set of the fancy basket lights! 

With all the hype and excitement of Thursday we organized a playdate for our daughter and us on Saturday.  Linah was so excited to share the experience with her friend, and Jackie and I enjoyed the adult company. Glowie is such a laid back atmosphere where parents and kids can wander and throw with not much pressure from other cards on the course. It was another wet night but it didn’t start to rain until more than halfway through. After it started to rain a little heavier we got the kids situated in the truck to have a dance party to get dry and warm up. 

Then the adults got to play the last couple holes and collect the lights. Which leads to our highlight of the night.

As we went through one of the darkest tree tunneled fairways, our buddy ripped a red translucent P2 disc equipped with a LED bulb and Button cell battery down the tunnel a little to the right side… Moments later I noticed something run up from behind and bolted past us… As the guys were trying to see what I was talking about. Will saw a red eye cross our path. Then we were distracted by a disc light over to the left in the out of bounds brush covered area. 

Some confusion set in as the three of us only had four discs in total… When the disc was retrieved to our surprise and delight it was our Buddy’s disc. With all the commotion our best guess was that a fox bolted up beside us after our buddy threw his disc, retrieved it and took a B line for the woods.. 

We settled on a fox by what we thought was a big bushy tail. Remember it’s pitch dark and a little freaked out from what we just witnessed. 

A fox retrieving a disc?!?! Definitely a first and who knows it may very well be a once-in-a-lifetime experience… 

The fox is local to the park. We have seen it a few times trotting through the course even in the daytime. 

Our buddy has dubbed her, Steve….

I’m sure we will see her again… 

As we were leaving we drove along the park edge and we saw Steve trotting along the tree line. 

Thanks Stevie for making our night… 

This fox is not the only wildlife we’ve experienced while out disc golfing this Fall. Just last week a honey bee had found my Galaxy moon phase disc intriguing. After a decent drive down the fairway, my Kaze Z landed among the beautiful fallen fall leaves. This is where I discovered a bee exploring my disc… 

With that experience I took the opportunity to remind everyone via social media post to be kind to the bees especially during the colder weather. As they become more docile and potentially at higher risk of being attacked by a human. 

Here’s a neat little article about different types of bees… 


What wild scenarios have you come across while spending time in nature? During a disc golf round or just out and about there is so much Beauty in this world to be enjoyed…


P.S. BE KIND TO THE BEES and other wildlife you come across, we are all connected…

T. Oder, “How to identify different types of bees,” Treehugger, 30-Jun-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.treehugger.com/how-identify-different-types-bees-4864333. [Accessed: 16-Nov-2021].