Computing “Social” Media Connections.

Growing up in the 90’s, my view of the computer and social media was full of growing pains and skepticism. Our journey together has fluctuated over the years. Influences, guiding as well as blocking potential. Fond memories and frustrations coming together to grow an understanding of what opportunity such a powerful tool can have.

When I was a kid my dad worked with computers, so in turn he always had a system to tinker with at home. This created the privilege to have a hard wire network connection to PC’s (personal computers) to play games, with my brother and occasionally friends. My relationship with computers started with the kids game “eco- sourus”. An educational game that promoted environmental conservation, by First Byte running on a DOS platform. (DOS – Disk operating system). [2] Boy, I’m grateful memory is so much more compact today. No more running floppy or other disk styles and having stacks of stored disks. However, there was comfort in removable, or more isolated and private systems.    

Anyway, there were many hours spent testing graphics cards mostly with Doom and Duke Nukem. This was my first introduction to the social part of the media. It was the best, most of the time my brother and I were in the same room or separated by a wall. This induced game talk, similar to what gamers do over their headsets through games these days. Love of games is one of my favorite pastimes with my brother still to this day.  Where, the eco game could possibly have roots in my desire to make change for our planet. Through sharing some small conscious steps we are taking in our daily lives via @JEMsBiz on Instagram. If we all make small changes and stay consistent, visible progression will start to appear.  

So somewhere between games and MSN I got my hands on a Nokia brick, oh the joy of snake and $0.5 – $0.20 charges per text. Don’t dare to text ‘K’… Qualcomm and BlackBerry, T9 to BBM. My favourite BlackBerry function was its ability to be turned off, then to automatically wake to sound an alarm. If I could have a feature added into my system now it would be that capability. As mentioned, the evolution of social media for me was then jumping on MSN so I could chat via instant messaging on the computer. Convenient, as this was during a time when long-distance charges in some cases, to call the neighbouring town still applied. Back in the day when dial up messed with the phone lines. 

A question to ask younger people; Do you know what the internet’s voice sounds like? Describing it in words, I don’t think is possible. But I can distinctly hear it, thinking about it right now. (Sound effect at [3] 

The internet always yelled in your ear if you picked up the receiver at the wrong time. I guess it takes after its human program designers. Yelling at someone eavesdropping the other receiver while in a call. Next, I felt like I was a late bloomer onto Facebook, Christmas 2006. I was two years behind the curve, but when I went to college for the first time I started sharing some of the journey. I also had some fun through a few dating social sites, in my early 20’s. Social media is great for connecting with new people otherwise unreachable. Busy lives make it hard to connect with others that don’t run in your circles. Social media has brought many together that otherwise, might have never met.This is one of the best attributes that social media has. 

But at some point I drifted from social media. Thinking back a lot of that had to do with being extremely busy. There was also a point that I felt the need to be private. I think some of this retreat was connected to past relationship experiences and to protect my daughters. So for a long time I avoided it like the plague. I also grew up being taught that the internet was an unsafe place. That the less information you put out, the better. There’s definitely something to be said about internet safety and awareness. Educating our young on being mindful of the dangers that are present in this area is essential. That there are terrifying predators out there and that shouldn’t be a secret. Educating truth, for the best defense I can give my children is knowledge. I believe that is just as essential to teach as teaching them to cross the street safely. I have always believed in never lying to children. Some topics I push for safety, some they inquire about. It is my job as a parent not to withhold information that is scary or contaverial. It is my responsibility to translate an age appropriate response. This provides learning and understanding. But most importantly it creates trust, where a child will come to you for answers in the future. Insead of diving into the unknown where potential dangers lurk.          

Now speaking in terms of technology hardware, I find myself training my children how to cross the street when using handheld devices… Such a strange notion, but so necessary in this tech era. The scary truth of how influential, of a distraction a handheld device can be. I always found the walk home from school was a great time to implement these lessons. Giving them a phone to put some music on while walking, and by having steps in place to cross the road safety. Including lowering the device, looking both ways, keeping the phone down and out of mind until the crossing is complete. Similarly, directing them to always keep one ear bud out of their ear, allowing them to be aware of their surroundings at all times. Then encouraging them to take this knowledge and apply it in all aspects that make sense.

All of the above provides many conversations on what type of influence should be gathered through the powerful tools of the internet.I remember sitting back and watching some of the stupidest trends influence. They do not need to be mentioned. I’m just glad I’ve changed my laundry detergent. You never know what they’re capable of…

During this time, I was even less enticed to engage on social media. 

However, with time and watching the evolution of the internet and enjoying the ability to have quality information and connection at my fingertips, my perspective changed. 

I should not avoid social media out of fear or the idiocies that I see. I should be spreading my perspective, possibly in the hopes of sharing something more meaningful. 

During my time away from social media my perspective on my ability to influence also changed. For years I have been influencing in person, never really appreciating what that meant. Or how helpful it can be. How important it is for us all to share perspective, providing insight on opportunity for learning and growth. I remember a student once came up to me at the end of a program and thanked me for presenting welding in a way that was welcoming and engaging. That something that I said on the first night made him stay, even after he had pretty much decided he was going to drop out. So grateful to inspire growth in people. 

Where, growth engages through change and discomfort. Hence the situation of the times, I find myself isolated, not able to connect in the way I have in the past. So time to adapt, to share on what has been dubbed as a safe platform. Or at least safe from the spread of a virus. Isn’t it interesting how the perspective has gone from a dangerous place to a safe place. Yes there are still dangers, but I find that correlation intriguing. 

Anyways, talking social media, I have found for a long time that it should be referred to as just media. That many only care to display, or watch, not be social. It is more of a form of information of any kind. Perhaps, staying informed is a better way to describe it. As I love watching family and friends grow even when I can’t see them in person. During this past year I am grateful for all the connections I have had the pleasure of making through the internet. As more than ever, there has been a need for connection. Where people are missing social interaction. Where this form of technology has provided us with easy access to so many things. Even feeling the hollow that sometimes comes from submerging onto the internet, I know that connections are at my fingertip. Almost a rebirth of the social section of social media. 


P.S. One way that our house has adapted to this isolated life is by attending or hosting online trivia nights. Finding the atmosphere similar to hosting in our home. In turn helping us feel connected, and check in with people. Mental health is no joke, stay connected, reach out, find an outlet. 

[1] “DOS,” DOS (Disk Operating System) Definition. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12-Apr-2021].

[2] F. Byte, “Eco-Saurus,”, 02-Oct-2017. [Online]. Available:,his%20alien%20friend%20M%2DKar. [Accessed: 12-Apr-2021]. 

[3] gamingsoundfx, “Dial Up Internet – Sound Effect (HD),” YouTube, 28-Apr-2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12-Apr-2021].