Come in, cckc.

Repair video compilation through IG link Below

Straight up, I see a dog with a mic headset… 🤣 You?

Some of the best days, when you walk in and you are handed something like this..

Technique and understanding are definitely required. Even for the small stuff.

Needless to say it was a fun time removing some pretty sad GMAW-SC welds with hella lack of fusion and porosity. I replace them with some SMAW, 3/32 E7018. Main reason for switching process was access to the welder… Who am I kidding, I like stick more… And if I have the option I’m probably picking stick… Application dependent obviously but…

Some pointers for whoever put the original component together;

🪥Remove any mill scale or coating off of the material.
🔢Set welding parameters for thickness of material.
🎯Aim electrode slightly more to the thicker member.

You might also consider weld placement and sequencing.

Lastly always remember a good weld meets acceptance criteria.

If that criteria is “just not fall apart” Reef on it a few times to make sure it doesn’t fall apart before or soon after it’s put it in service…

Students in the past have dubbed my testing method as the “Jack attack” lol hey, when acceptance criteria is that the tacks don’t break when it hits the floor…

In this case I chose to weld all around which was possibly overkill. However, I wanted to make sure no fluid could get up under there. Planning, cleaning, prepping, aligning, clamping, sequencing, process, consumable consideration we’re all made even on a small repair such as this.

In all seriousness, it’s important to spend time engineering, planning and inspecting. The application will dictate the level and depth of all of that…

Remember the welds that go in the pig trough are far less scrutinized then the ones that go in the nuclear reactor or space shuttle…

Happy thinking my friends.


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A post shared by Jackie Morris (@modern.jemz)


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