Wild Things 2.0

As said in the introduction a few weeks back this exhibit https://jemsmind.com/wild-things/  had a vision to compile a collection of pieces that help celebrate welded art. As well as, important environmental issues that we need to address for the better of us all. But there are unseen depths of every celebrated piece.    The lead up… Continue reading Wild Things 2.0

On My Mind…

Jan 8th 2022 I remember an anniversary I wish didn’t exist… Here is some of what came from these memories… 💔”4 years… It seems unreal that you have been gone from this world for 4 years already… I hate how I took advantage of time when you were here on earth.  Always, thinking there was… Continue reading On My Mind…

Holiday Feeling

Every year for more than I can remember, I have seen and felt the opposite of what the holidays seems to be about.Joy, community and love all around, sharing the connection of belief and celebration of the freedoms bound.     But there is something about Christmas Eve through all the joy and celebration, there’s an emotion.A feeling… Continue reading Holiday Feeling

Forever SIX 🐘

[1] P. McDougall

Today is Arya’s 8th Birthday🐘 I recall reading Arya’s home birth through Petras’ social posts. An amazing experience… One that I couldn’t do… One that sounded so peaceful. The way Childbirth should be celebrated and enjoyed. When possible without complications of course. Watching and reading the life of Arya and her entire family has been… Continue reading Forever SIX 🐘

Introducing Arya


Last week I touched on Child Cancer Awareness Month, with an emphasis on exercising your right to vote. For you to use your voice to vote for the voiceless. Such as the numbers of children who are battling cancers with out of date techniques. Why, because child cancer research is drastically underfunded.  So much so,… Continue reading Introducing Arya