Bump… Boss… Baby…

On International Women’s Day 2021 I attended the Skills Ontario online conference. Where some amazing stories of pregnancy in the trades and how colleagues responded was highlighted. I felt inspired and started reminiscing about my own story. I am a Mother of three and have had the pleasure of telling a boss that I was expecting… Continue reading Bump… Boss… Baby…


I came across this quote “Your role as a leader is to bring out the best in others, even when they know more than you” [1] and it inspired the following.  I’ve had the pleasure of delivering welding classes to many industrial maintenance and motive power mechanic groups. Often leading, classes of 18 to 24… Continue reading Leader

Launch Day

In the spirit of international women’s day, I am stepping forward into the light towards my potential. Women making changes, adapting on the fly, being remarkable human beings, I applaud and celebrate you. Together we are making a difference in this world. The smallest  impact is worth recognition. So If you have not heard lately,… Continue reading Launch Day