Many Shoes

“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”Marilyn Monroe [1] “Give a girl the correct footwear and she can conquer the world.”Bette Midler [2] “Each pair of shoes is a tool that supports you in the many roles on life’s journey.”JEMI Regardless of the title worn from one moment to another,… Continue reading Many Shoes


What is the definition of Valentine…Is it the possession of “Be Mine”…The fairy tale…It’s actually more like a gale…When you commit on trying not to fail…But really it’s all about the tale…Of two people who wish to prevail…On a journey through life’s Vail… Grateful for all the failure and struggle of relationships of the past.… Continue reading Valentine


We made it through the first month of 2022. Proud of everyone putting one foot in front of another on whatever their Journey holds.  Life’s not easy, relative to everyone. So making sure we take the time to enjoy ourselves daily is key.  Truly grateful for a challenge I was introduced to. Of doing something… Continue reading Forward

ReNew, Year.

I sit and reflect about a year around the Sun.I’m absolutely grateful for another year’s begun.This one’s different from any that once was. For time only goes in one direction when you’re amongst the deflection…Of what we need to rise above…The resurrection of…Individuality love…How each unique part comes together as one…Completing the circle of unity, community… Continue reading ReNew, Year.


To whoever egged my house last night, I hope that doing so gave you some sort of peace and clarity. If it’s a cry for help, I’m listening? For I understand struggle. Truly, only understanding my own.  I don’t know everyone’s struggle, I only know the ones who share. Where sharing is even censored or… Continue reading EggEDnog


I have never in my life been so worried about my freedoms, than I have felt in the last while… We have grown up with such privilege here in Canada.  Were we the wealthiest… were we without struggle… No… Everyone faces their own unique experiential struggles to their circumstances. In the past we have seen… Continue reading Remember

Qualified vs Certified, A Mom’s Edition

Putting a title on something ultimately reduces what that something could actually turn into. I believe this, because of preconceived ideas that are placed around words or titles. What is a title anyway? It means something different to everyone. How you perceive yourself, how you perceive the world, how the world perceives you.  Growing up,… Continue reading Qualified vs Certified, A Mom’s Edition

Voice for …

As we are leading into a Federal Election I want to encourage all eligible persons to exercise their privilege to vote. We talk of voting as a right. But when you look at the world as a whole, voting and living within a democratic society is such a privilege.  There are so many out there… Continue reading Voice for …

Categorized as Adulting

Happy Anniversary

Today I take some time to reflect on a series of events that was filled with so much joy, love and community. With a focus on the words spoken. Where our dynamic was never just about two adults. Which is what made these days even more special… I have been on a roller coaster journey… Continue reading Happy Anniversary