The Base

My base is family. It is where I find so many emotions. Many might say their joy stems from family. I can agree to that, as so much happiness comes from being with my people. BUT, there is always an opposing emotion affiliated under that umbrella. The same goes for love and most broad blanketed words we use.

When many think love, they only equate happiness. The thing about family and love though, is that it can be very messy at times. What does messy mean? Well, to me there are endless possibilities in describing a mess. Some derive from the negative, while others the positive. Ultimately finding a balance.

All of the positive creates sustenance for the negative times. What do I mean by this? Well, in my experience it is the good times that help sustain you through the bad times. Does it make the bad times better? I don’t think that the positives are meant to make the negatives better. I think they are a natural survival mechanism. That is meant to help drive your life forward, inducing growth.

This is something that has helped me through the lows when navigating experiences with an emotionally charged teen. Working through what is in their view as hopeless. Helping guide the perspective. I have seen the darkness of hopelessness through a teens eyes. I have also helped direct, to look at situation through others eyes. Doing so is such a humbling view. As we are only as strong as the situations we have walked through. Willingly or not the path is walked, time never stops. Where joining someone else’s journey can inspire, to understand, that you too are strong and are here to live.

Life is a beautiful mess, filled with so much I will never understand. I not meant to understand. I am meant to live, to build a legacy, through the experiences that are put upon my path.