With the beautiful spring weather now, I find myself reminiscing about spending time on a lake with a dear friend. Where deep feelings of connection to nature can be found. In these moments allowing NO exterior distractions invade the mind. Being present in that exact moment. Through our connection, thoughts of how we find similar comfort in keeping an… Continue reading Lake, Horizon, Sky, Clarity
Author: Jackie
Misconstrued – Trades
Why is welding or trades in general misconstrued as something that is less worthy of intelligence? Or at least that’s the feeling I get when talking to a person who is naïve to the opportunities and process. Or sometimes, someone who takes for granted the connection between the so-called top of the ladder to the… Continue reading Misconstrued – Trades
Launch Day
In the spirit of international women’s day, I am stepping forward into the light towards my potential. Women making changes, adapting on the fly, being remarkable human beings, I applaud and celebrate you. Together we are making a difference in this world. The smallest impact is worth recognition. So If you have not heard lately,… Continue reading Launch Day
The words of my beautiful daughter, Susannah Faith Morris. BLM…
I wrote these poems from the heart, because growing up a child of colour wasn’t easy and anyone who I’ve known will stand by that statement. There is bullying and the supervisors like the people at school who are supposed to trust and take care of you never did to me, they were never the… Continue reading The words of my beautiful daughter, Susannah Faith Morris. BLM…
We all have a voice, but do others hear it?
I have thought for some time that “Maybe I’ll start a Blog”. But what is a thought without action. Perhaps a missed opportunity. Or a voice less heard. I know the feeling of vulnerability, of being out in this virtual world of ours. What barriers does your mind fill with? Am I worthy of this… Continue reading We all have a voice, but do others hear it?
The Base
My base is family. It is where I find so many emotions. Many might say their joy stems from family. I can agree to that, as so much happiness comes from being with my people. BUT, there is always an opposing emotion affiliated under that umbrella. The same goes for love and most broad blanketed… Continue reading The Base
My WHY. These three came into my life at roughly, eight year intervals. Is there a connection to why, possibly. I’m looking forward to unwind the stories together.
The Importance of Self Reflection
This Blog is going to naturally provide me with an outlet, as well as a life recorded. Journaling has long been used for self reflection, something that I pick up from time to time. However, I find that there are many note books barely cracked scattered throughout my house. I wonder if the note inside… Continue reading The Importance of Self Reflection