Disc Golf, & Friends

So I’ve introduced you to my experience with disk golf glow night that William took me to in August for our third anniversary… https://jemsmind.com/banging-chains-in-the-dark/ We love it so much that we have since gathered up portable Christmas light sets and added them to the course baskets to enjoy some glow in the dark disc golf.… Continue reading Disc Golf, & Friends

Categorized as Frisbee Fun


I have never in my life been so worried about my freedoms, than I have felt in the last while… We have grown up with such privilege here in Canada.  Were we the wealthiest… were we without struggle… No… Everyone faces their own unique experiential struggles to their circumstances. In the past we have seen… Continue reading Remember

Qualified vs Certified, A Mom’s Edition

Putting a title on something ultimately reduces what that something could actually turn into. I believe this, because of preconceived ideas that are placed around words or titles. What is a title anyway? It means something different to everyone. How you perceive yourself, how you perceive the world, how the world perceives you.  Growing up,… Continue reading Qualified vs Certified, A Mom’s Edition

Self Grace

How do you define Friend?  For me it’s knowing someone is there when they can be. Regardless of the amount of time that has passed, I can say hello and pick up where we left off. As I get older some might call my friends acquaintances as we don’t talk daily or see each other… Continue reading Self Grace


The weight of the world is heavy, can you feel it? For all the words and thoughts in my mind,  I struggle to find them at this time. But I built into the design a weekly remind, to spend the time.To look through the fray, we can not stay.For tomorrow is another day.   What weighs on… Continue reading Weights

Colours of the Light within

Months ago I was inspired to write something unique about myself using colour and my design. Below is a short passage of a combination of words from then and now. As sometimes, my work starts to take shape months before publishing. I also want to take a moment to point out the influence my career… Continue reading Colours of the Light within

Introducing Arya


Last week I touched on Child Cancer Awareness Month, with an emphasis on exercising your right to vote. For you to use your voice to vote for the voiceless. Such as the numbers of children who are battling cancers with out of date techniques. Why, because child cancer research is drastically underfunded.  So much so,… Continue reading Introducing Arya