Check out the dates below. They are links to one of my IG pages. Content I have been making over the years walking my path. Stumbling through all the things. These ones are inspired by my kids. MAY 1, 2021 When I say baby I mean 22-month-old… Boy is this little guy struggling with nap… Continue reading Catch-up
Author: Jackie
No Shame Hey everyone I’m Jackie… Family is my world… They are the reason that I have chosen an alternative path during these unusual times. I have put my traditional career as a Welding Technologist on hold so I can be home available to them. Interesting that I call welding technologist as a traditional career… Continue reading Reintroduce
Better late than never!
So in 2023 I submitted another piece of my work to the IIW Welded art photographic exhibit. This digital collection highlights the UNs 17 SDGs. These sustainable development goals that the UN represents can be found through this link From where I sit all that everyone can do as an individual is what they… Continue reading Better late than never!
Wild Things 2.0
As said in the introduction a few weeks back this exhibit had a vision to compile a collection of pieces that help celebrate welded art. As well as, important environmental issues that we need to address for the better of us all. But there are unseen depths of every celebrated piece. The lead up… Continue reading Wild Things 2.0
Wild Things
Influence comes from so many places. I’ve been trying to find the words to describe where my influence came from for an Art exhibit I recently created. The exhibit itself has a directive tailoring itself to a vision. Which is absolutely gorgeous to experience reading through this digital welded Art exhibit. I welcome you to… Continue reading Wild Things
Shop Bump
OH LOOK WHAT I FOUND… #babyboybumpđź’™ Super pregnant Mama belly… #38weekspregnant The Shop was looking pretty good before I went on leave…. Way back when, May 31, 2019… #pregnantwelder #imnotawelder #imaweldingtechnologist #WOMENINWELDING #weldingmom This was my third pregnancy. The second one, working as a Welding Technologist. With the pregnancy in the video, I worked until… Continue reading Shop Bump
A year & a bit.
International women’s day 2022 was the one year anniversary of my blog. So far this year has been about giving myself Grace. Where this is week 52’s article but in actuality it is week 54 from the commencement of this published endeavour. Edit… Week 58… I will fill in some of the blanks in further… Continue reading A year & a bit.
All The Things
Sometimes the weight of the world gets heavy…. Especially when your perspective broadens. Where a clear mind can prioritize all the thoughts and obligations and a clouded mind can struggle with that. My definition of depression, whether it’s postpartum, isolation or other induced depression, is thinking or looking at all the things in one’s life… Continue reading All The Things
Many Shoes
“Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world.”Marilyn Monroe [1] “Give a girl the correct footwear and she can conquer the world.”Bette Midler [2] “Each pair of shoes is a tool that supports you in the many roles on life’s journey.”JEMI Regardless of the title worn from one moment to another,… Continue reading Many Shoes
What is the definition of Valentine…Is it the possession of “Be Mine”…The fairy tale…It’s actually more like a gale…When you commit on trying not to fail…But really it’s all about the tale…Of two people who wish to prevail…On a journey through life’s Vail… Grateful for all the failure and struggle of relationships of the past.… Continue reading Valentine